
Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Collection and use of personallyidentifiable information and other information In order to help you, our users efficiently access the information provided onour platform, we collect certain information from you. You may be required toregister your name, address, e-mail id, Facebook account, phone number andother similar information. This information is collected in order to customizethe content you see, to be able to adhere to your specific request and tocontact you about our services. Of course, you can browse the website withouthaving to input personal information. You have the option of not providing anydetails. But we may automatically track certain information that is pulled upby category selection, etc. on our website. We use this information be as user– friendly as possible, catering to personalized needs and requirements. Thismay include date and time of visiting the website, your IP address, browsertype, etc.

We use software mechanisms such as cookies to help us analyses furtherinformation. Cookies are small files that allow the user’s computer to storethe user’s information. They can be both permanent and temporary. The cookiesdo not contain any personally identifiable information. Cookies are also used toallow easier access to your account, such as automatic log-in and not having toenter a password each and every time you use the website. You are alwaysallowed to decline cookies, though it may bar certain features on the site aswell as require you to re-enter password more often. You may encounter cookiesor other similar files on the website that belong to third parties. We do notcontrol these and are not responsible for the same. If you contact uspersonally, or a third party sends us information about your activities on thewebsite, we may collect this information and are not entitled to notify you.

We also use personal information to market to you, with the option of optingout of this. Personal information is also used for purpose such as troubleshooting,safer service, understanding consumer interest, information you about offer,services and products pertaining to your needs, detecting and avoiding error,fraud or criminal activity. We may share personal information with otheraffiliates to further provide related services. Those entities may or may notmarket to you. We may disclose personal information if required by law otherlegal processes. We will share personal information with associates orbusinesses linked to us, pertaining to your requirements.

Technical and organizational measures and processing security
All the information we receive about you are stored on secure servers and wehave implemented technical and organizational measures that are suitable andnecessary to protect your personal data. OZZAH continually evaluates thesecurity of its network and adequacy of its internal information securityprogram which is designed to (a) help secure your data against accidental orunlawful loss, access or disclosure, (b) identify reasonably foreseeable risksto the security of the OZZAH network, and (c) minimize security risks,including through risk assessment and regular testing. In addition, we ensurethat all payment data are encrypted using SSL technology. Please note, despitethe measures we have implemented to protect your data, the transfer of datathrough the Internet or other open networks is never completely secure andthere is a risk that your personal data may be accessed by unauthorized thirdparties.

Links to other websites
OZZAH.com has links with other online entities. We are not responsible for thecontent or privacy practices of these third-party websites. Users should clickon these external links at their own risk. We encourage you to review theirprivacy policy and terms of use, if required.

How will we inform you about changes in our privacy statement?
We may amend this privacy statement from time to time. We will post changes onthis page and will let you know by e-mail or through our Platform. If you oryour guardian (as the case may be) do not agree with the changes, you may closeyour account by going to account setting and select delete account.

What data do we collect about you?
Registration and other account information
When you register to use our Services, we may collect the following informationabout you:
Register using your mobile number: mobile number.
We may collect your gender, age or email id depending on the permissionsgranted by you;
Depending on the choices you make during the log-in to our Services or duringthe process of engaging our Services, you may opt to give the followingadditional personal data:
Your name/ E-mail address/ Mobile number and your credit card details in caseyou want to purchase our paid services as defined in our Terms of Use.

By accessing OZZAH.com or providing information on our portal, you are inautomatic agreement with this privacy policy.

Governing Law
This privacy policy of OZZAH.com is under the jurisdiction of India, therebyadhering to the law of the Indian government.

1.1 Ozzah Private Limited ("OZZAH", "we", "our","Us") is committed to the protection of personal information providedby the ("you", "your", "user","company",) to OZZAH. You agree that your use of OZZAH mobile websitelocation ("website") OZZAH hies your consent to the collection,retention and use of your personal information in accordance with the terms ofthis Privacy Policy ("Privacy Policy").

1.2 This privacy policy is anelectronic record in the form of an electronic contract formed under theinformation Technology Act,2000 and the rules made thereunder and the amendedprovisions Technology, Act,2000. This Privacy / records in various statutes asamended by the information Technology Act,2000. This privacy Policy does notrequire any physical, electronic or digital signature and is a legally bindingdocument between you and OZZAH.

1.3 We take the privacy of ourusers seriously. We are committed to safeguarding the privacy of our userswhile providing a personalized and valuable service.

1.4 No user information is rentedor sold to any third party. When you use the website, the website may collectyour device number and other personal information. A high standard of securityis maintained by us for our users. However, the transmission of information viathe internet or telephone networks is not OZZAH highly secure. While we do ourbest protect your information, particularly with respect to protection of yourpersonal data, OZZAH cannot ensure the security of your data transmitted viathe internet, telephone or any other networks.

1.5 Access to the contentsavailable through the website is conditional upon your or this privacy policywhich should be read together with the terms and conditions of use("Terms"). You acknowledge that this privacy policy, together withour Terms, forms our agreement with you in relation to your use of the website("Agreement").

2.1 Personal information collected
In order to provide the website, we may require you to provide us with certaininformation that personally identifies you (" Personal information").Personal information includes the following categories of information.

(i) contact data (such as youremail address, phone number and details of your contacts); and

(ii) Demographic data (such asyour time zone, your postal address and location details); and if youcommunicate with us by, for OZZAH, e-mail of letter, any information providedin such communication may be collected by OZZAH.

(iii) Financial data (such as youraccount details, e- wallet details, credit or debit etc. that you have providedus for disbursement of prizes and coupons).

2.2 Our Website may transmit yourpersonal information to our internal severs. This personal information isimmediately deleted once you delete the profile. Except to the event, it isnecessary to store the same under applicable laws. further, we have OZZAHhelmeted commercially reasonable physical, managerial, operational andtechnical information in our care. Finally, this information is used strictlyin line with our business purposes and to provide you with useful features.

2.3 our website may contain linksto third party website or applications. you agree and understand that privacypolices of these websites are not under our control. You understand that onceyou leave our servers, use of any information you provide shall be governed bythe privacy policy of the operator of the site used by you.

3.Disclosures of personal information
3.1 we do not disclose your personal information to any third parties otherthan to MYOHH affiliates or other trusted business of person, based on strictadherence and in OZZAH hance with our privacy policy and any other appropriateconfidentiality and security measures.

3.2 We use our best efforts to useinformation in aggregate form (so that no individual user is identified) forthe following purposes: 3.2.1 To build up marketing profiles;

3.2.2 To aid strategicdevelopment, data collection and business analytics

3.2.3 To provide seamless andswift delivery of prizes and coupons to you;

3.2.4 To manage our relationshipwith advertisers and partners;

3.2.5 To audit usage of the web;and

3.2.6 To enhance user experiencein relation to the web ("collectively, permitted use")

3.3 We reserve the right to disclosepersonal information if required to do so by law or if we believe that it isnecessary to do so to protect and defend the rights, property or personal ofOZZAH, the web, or our users.

4.1 Except as otherwise provided in this privacy, we will keep your personalinformation private and will not share it with third parties, unless we believein good faith that disclosure of your personal information or any otherinformation we collect about you is necessary for permitted use or to:

4.1.1 OZZAH with a court order orother legal process;

4.1.2 Protect the right, propertyor safety of OZZAH or another party;

4.1.3 enforce the agreement,including Terms; or

4.1.4 Respond to claims that anyposting or other content violates the rights of third-parties.

5.1 The security of your personal information is important to us. We followgenerally accepted industry standards to protect the personal informationsubmitted to us, both during transmission and once we receive it. All informationgathered on our website is securely stored within our controlled database. Thedatabase is stored on serves secured behind a firewall; access to the serversis password-protected and is strictly limited.

5.2 Although we make best possibleefforts to store personal information in a secure operating environment that isnot open to the public, you should understand that there is no such thing asOZZAH security. and we do not guarantee that there will be no unintendeddisclosures of your personal information. If we become aware that your personalinformation has been disclosed in a manner not in accordance with this privacypolicy, we will use reasonable efforts to notify you of the nature and extentof such disclosure (to the extent we know that information) as soon asreasonably possible and as permitted by law.

6. Cookies
6.1 To improve the responsiveness of the sites for our users, we may use"cookies", or similar electronic tools to collect information toassign each visitor a unique, random number as a user identification (user id)to understand the user's individual using the identified computer. Unless youvoluntarily identify yourself (through registration, for OZZAH). We will haveno way of knowing who you are, even if you're assign a cookie cannot read dataoff your hard drive. Our advertisers may also assign their own cookies to yourbrowser (if you click on their ads), a process that we do not control.

6.2Our web servers automatically collect limited information about your computer'sconnection to the internet, including your IP address is a number that letscomputers attached to the internet know where to send you data- such as the webpages you view.) Your IP address does not identify you personally. We use thisinformation to deliver our web pages to you upon request, to rail or our siteto the interests of our users, to measure traffic within our site and letadvertisers know the geographic location from where our visitors come.

7. Updates and changes to privacy policy
1. we reserve the right, at any time, to add to, change, update, or modify thisprivacy policy so please review it frequently. If we do, then we will postthese changes on this page. In call case, use of information we collect issubject to the privacy in effect at the time such information is collected.

8. Your Rights
8.1 you have a right to correct any errors in your personal informationavailable with us. You may request us in writing that we cease to use yourpersonal information.

9. Restriction of liability
9.1 OZZAH makes no claims, promises or guarantees about the accuracy, OZZAHtenses, or adequacy of the contents available through the website and expresslydisclaims liability for error and omissions in the contents available throughthe website.

Changes to this Policy
We may amend this Privacy Policy from time to time to keep it up to date withlegal requirements and the way we operate our business. Please regularly checkthis page for the latest version of this Privacy Policy. If we make materialchanges to this Privacy Policy, we will seek to inform you by notice on ourwebsite or application, or email ("Notice of Change").
Your continued use of our Services following an amendment or Notice of Changeindicates your or your guardian's acceptance (as the case may be) of anychanges.

If you havequestions about our policies, let us know: [email protected]

Cookies Policy

This website uses cookies. By continuing to use this site, you accept our use of cookies.


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